Oversaturated market. That's what we're about to enter.
-Source Unknown
--Source made up
Hello and welcome to The Couch Potato Tribune!
What we've got here is a site dedicated to pop culture, mainly in the visual media form. We are young men with too much time on our hands, and most of that time is spent occupied with some program or another. It behooves us, as rugged individualists with internet prowess, to give you some form of commentary on what is hip and happening. By that we mean to say you're going to get some insight into what television is about, with some indelible internet nuggets along the way. Additionally, we promise never to use the phrase "hip and happening" again for as long as we live.
Just who are we? Lets find out:
Justin Tasch: A recent Philosophy, Politics, and Law graduate from Binghamton University, Justin is a sweetheart on the level of a Zach Braff or an Adam Scott. In fact, he's so beloved that he's known as 'Nice Guy Tasch' throughout the Eastern seaboard. A self-starter always looking to reach new heights, Justin wrestled Abe Lincoln in his previous life (and won), and created Cheetos a la mode. He will not watch anything that is not in HD.
David Rifkin: Another recent graduate with an equally useless degree, David is what you'd call a real go-getter. In fact, he's created at least four other blogs in the past year alone. Never you mind that they're all defunct now. David is a founding member of the Illuminati, and drives an environmentally friendly car. Also, he is quite cuddly.
As a brief introduction to our source material, here's what you can expect to be covered by the Couch Potato Times (midseason= January or February return):
Parks and Recreation
The Office
30 Rock (midseason return)
Awake (midseason replacement)
New Girl
Modern Family
Lost (a painful retrospective)
How I Met Your Mother
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
The League
Archer (midseason return after 3-episode September arc)
Californication (midseason return)
Boardwalk Empire
How to Make It in America
Eastbound & Down (sometime in 2012?)
Bored to Death (retroactive postings starting with the first season)
Breaking Bad
Mad Men (midseason return)
The Walking Dead
WWE Raw Supershow
(It's a scripted television show, sorry to burst your bubble. Also, Santa Claus doesn't exist.)
It's possible that we'll add more writers and shows as the fall continues (think Project Runway or Treme). If you have a favorite show that you want us to comment on, leave something for us in the comments. Until then, enjoy!
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