31 October 2011

How To Make It In America 2.05

A short recap 'n thoughts, right here:

-This week's angst is brought to you by Nine Inch Nails Whisky... drink to the man you know you can never be: Crisp needs to sell to someone. But they have to convince some beautiful midwestern chicks to buy their stuff. How are you supposed to focus on selling t-shirts when these women keep sticking their sex-appeal in the audience, I mean, Cam and Ben's faces?. Also, going to parties is really hard when you have to deal with the presence of the guy who is piping your ex-girlfriend. Give it up for the boys though: they continue to put in maximal effort, and it has just now begun to pay off! All about that grind, as they say.

-Whoever 'they' are, they need to shut the fuck up.

29 October 2011

Always Sunny 7.07

Stolen from Handlebar Magazine entertainment write-up:

If you're a fan of 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia,' you remember a few specific episodes.  You remember 'The Night Man Cometh,' an off-the-wall theatrical production that plays out Charlie's deep-seated homosexual issues.You remember Mac and Dennis trying to make the Philadelphia Eagles while Frank trips on LSD in 'The Gang Gets Invincible.' You remember 'The D.E.N.N.I.S. System,' 'Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person,' and other episodes that executed the awkwardly incorrect humor and eventual screaming matches that drew you to 'Always Sunny' in the first place.

If this all sounds correct, then you're going to remember this week's episode for a long, long time. In Thursday's seminal episode 'CharDee McDennis: The Game of Games,' the gang brandish every weapon in their arsenal. The Paddy's crew invented their own game long ago, a game involving *gasp* drinking and *whoa* incorrect answers to subjective questions. It also incorporates 'Always Sunny's' best gimmick: pitting the conniving Reynolds siblings against the basically retarded duo of Mac and Charlie. The latter team has never prevailed in this battle of wits and stomach capacities, mainly because Dee and Dennis cheat in every possible way: They fill their liquor glasses with colored water, they lie to win questions, and, worst of all, they stick Frank on the opposing team.

Frank understandably doesn't comprehend the flow of the game. He doesn't get how it starts as a classy affair involving four-fingered wine glass holding, how it quickly devolves as everyone shouts in each other's faces, and how the winners get to destroy the opposing team's avatars (Due to Mac and Charlie's career-long oh-fer, their avatars are quite smashed up). But Frank does understand how to manipulate rules, and so after reading the rule book while being locked in a dog kennel, a situation that explaining fully would put me way over my word limit, he finds out that if the time expires (Oh yeah, forgot to mention there's a timer), they have to draw the black card. And so, after hours of excessive drinking and cruel verbal warfare, it comes down to the black card, which says that they have to... flip a coin to decide the winner. If this sort of lazy plot resolution isn't familiar, you don't love 'Always Sunny.' And if you don't love 'Always Sunny,' you wouldn't anticipate the cut to a shot of Dee and Dennis mercilessly breaking their opponents' avatars to end the episode. But I do love 'Always Sunny,' and this episode reminded me why. 

October 27: Mondo Thursday Recap, Halloween Themed

CPT is back everyone. Sorry we've taken so long with our posts, but we've been arguing about the show Whitney for literally a month. One of us say it's good, the other one great, and the other groundbreaking. You could definitely make an argument for any of these, but it's important to remember that even when a show like Whitney is on TV, there are still lesser but ambitious comedies on as well, like Community or Parks and Recreation. Listen, they're not perfect shows, but God knows they try, and, who knows, if they take notes, they could learn a thing or two from Whitney. Oh yeah, and Halloween. Without further ado, here's the Halloween-themed NBC Thursday line-up, the Project Runway finale, and the return of Beavis and Butt-head.

Community 3.05 Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps

Minority Abed and Troy in Pierce's story

03 October 2011

The Return

We'll have new posts going up this fine evening, but in case you hadn't heard, Arrested Development is coming back for a brief TV swing before filming the long-anticipated movie. We're hearing it'll probably be a ten episode season that sets up the film, beginning supposedly in the summer of 2013. In honor of the long awaited return, a set of related links:

Important political action taken: http://i.imgur.com/lButB.jpg

Interview with the A.D. panel at New Yorkerfest: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/festival/2011/10/ten-things-you-didnt-know-about-arrested-development.html

Funny Or Die's great screencap compilation: http://www.funnyordie.com/slideshows/aee464b448/the-funniest-arrested-development-screencaps

The best gif tumblr out there: http://arresteddevelopmentgifs.tumblr.com/
